
Our Team


with passion for service

André Ahrends

Office Berlin Wilmersdorf

Real Estate Agent

German, English +49 30 61 67 51 15 andre.ahrends@aden-immo.com

Michael Bautz

Office Berlin Friedrichshain

Real Estate Agent

German, English +49 30 61 67 51 15 michael.bautz@aden-immo.com
Lars Drewes

Lars Drewes

Büro Berlin Wilmersdorf

Head of Sales

German, English +49 30 23 633 533 lars.drewes@aden-immo.com
Porträt Ole Eggerss

Ole Eggerss

Office Berlin Friedrichshain

Independent Real Estate Agent

German, English +49 30 61 67 51 15 ole.eggerss@aden-immo.com
Foto Mitarbeiterin Isabelle Goncalves

Isabelle Goncalves

Office Berlin Charlottenburg

Real Estate Agent

French, German, English +49 30 61 67 51 15 isabelle.goncalves@aden-immo.com
Portraitfoto Jakob Gremerath

Jakob Gremerath

office Berlin Friedrichshain

Real Estate Agent

German, English +49 30 61 67 51 15 jakob.gremerath@aden-immo.com
Foto Andres Islas

Andres Islas

Office Berlin Wilmersdorf

Rental Manager

German, English, Spanish +49 30 887 024 07 andres.islas@aden-immo.com

Julian Kirsch

Office Berlin Charlottenburg

Real Estate Agent Acquisition

German, English +49 30 61 67 51 15 julian.kirsch@aden-immo.com

Anita Klimczyk

Office Berlin Wilmersdorf

Office Manager

German, English, Polish +49 30 23 633 533 anita.klimczyk@aden-immo.com

Olivier Montero

Office Berlin Friedrichshain

Real Estate Agent Acquisition

French, German, English +49 30 61 67 51 15 olivier.montero@aden-immo.com

David Nguyen

Office Paris

Managing Director

French, English +33 1 56 33 70 70 david.nguyen@aden-immo.com
Portraitfoto Rene Rettig

Rene Rettig

Office Berlin Wilmersdorf

Project Manager

German, English +49 30 61 67 51 15 rene.rettig@aden-immo.com
photo Arnaud Schott (Managing Director)

Arnaud Schott

Office Berlin Wilmersdorf

Managing Director

French, German, English +49 30 23 633 533 arnaud.schott@aden-immo.com

Cihan Selmo

Office Berlin Charlottenburg

Real Estate Agent

German, English, Turkish +49 30 61 67 51 15 cihan.selmo@aden-immo.com

Ulrike Siebert

Office Berlin Wilmersdorf

Marketing Manager

German, English +49 30 88 70 24 08 ulrike.siebert@aden-immo.com
Foto Victoria Stanojevic

Victoria Stanojevic

Office Berlin Wilmersdorf

Sales Assistant

German, English, Polish + 49 30 61 67 51 15 victoria.stanojevic@aden-immo.com
Foto Mitarbeiterin Alice Thion

Alice Thion

Office Berlin Wilmersdorf

Project Manager

French, German, English +49 30 88 70 24 08 alice.thion@aden-immo.com

David Wunnicke

Office Berlin Wilmersdorf

Independant Real Estate Agent

German, English + 49 30 61 67 51 15 david.wunnicke@aden-immo.com
Jeannette Zentel-Schertlin

Jeannette Zentel-Schertlin

Office Berlin Charlottenburg

Real Estate Agent

German, English, Spanish +49 30 61 67 51 15 jeannette.zentel-schertlin@aden-immo.com


CAPITAL Makler-Kompass_Top-Makler Berlin 2023
Siegel IVD Marktberichterstatter 2024
Award Bellevue Best Property Agent 2020
Immowelt Partner-Siegel
JACASA Siegel Immobilienmakler Top bewertet


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Property tax reform 2022: What owners have to do now

Breaking News: The deadline for filing property tax returns has been extended! The property tax return must now be submitted by January 31, 2023.[a] The German government has revised the calculation of property tax. As a result, all owners of land or real estate must submit electronically completed declarations of assessment. But what exactly are the rules and what values must owners declare?

The assessed values which were last determined in 1964 (in West Germany) and 1935 (in East Germany) form the basis of the calculation of the current property tax.[1]. With its ruling on 10 April 2018,[2] the Federal […]

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Selling a property and moving home during lockdown – what to look out for

Your property is no longer right for you. It’s too small for you and your growing family, or too big now that the kids have left home. Yet now you are wondering about selling up during the lockdown – how do you go about organising the actual move? Are you even allowed to use the services of a removal company right now?  

In principle, there hasn’t been a ban on house moves at any point during the lockdown in Germany. Removal companies are working more or less “normally”, whilst adhering to the social-distancing and hygiene rules. As […]

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What legal regulations/plans can we expect for the property market in 2022?

Below, you will find a small selection of legal changes that have already come into force or will do so in 2022. These are joined by the regulations and plans of the local Berlin government and the national government. The combination of laws that have already been passed and the plans from the two coalition agreements at the national and local level means that there is a wide variety of topics you are likely to find interesting.

The rent freeze is being extended In the coalition agreement’s ‘Tenant protection’ section, the new federal government has set out the renewal of the rent-freeze regulations and extended these until 2029. Furthermore, it has been […]

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