



Our Performance. Our Team.

ADEN Immobilien is a reliable and capable partner helping you create value through your development project.

We provide comprehensive consulting through all phases of your property’s lifecycle as well as high-quality project development services.

We are at your disposal, ready to answer any question about real estate sales in your preferred language, whether in German, French, or English.

We support you during the project acquisition phase, providing independent commercial and technical due diligence, efficient contracting and transaction management, as well as market research and the creation of project plans, including providing estimates.

Our communications with clients and partners are conducted with a high degree of transparency as a matter of course.


Project management from A to Z
Continuous financial controlling and reporting
Market and pricing analysis
Multilingual team


In the Service of Your Property

With our expertise, the marketing of your investment property lies in safe hands. Thanks to our long experience in the market we know what strategies don’t just awaken interest, but maintain it.

Our online and offline marketing approaches are tailored to your project, drawing prospects’ attention to it and ensuring that a recognition effect occurs across different marketing channels.

Landing pages, premium ads on real estate portals, banner ads on the property, or open houses: Our marketing team takes care of the planning and execution of a coordinated marketing campaign for your project.


Professional, targeted marketing
Tailored marketing for your project
Effective online and offline campaigns
Conception, planning, and execution of the marketing strategy


ADEN’S Methology

ADEN Immobilien utilizes efficient sales channels and concentrates its sales efforts.

We are decentralized “neighborhood agents” with storefronts in Berlin and Paris.

We offer a strong regional sales network of experienced agents with direct access to potential buyers. This network has successfully sold an above-average number of historical Berlin buildings to international clients. Therein lies our expertise and the guarantee that you will successfully market your development.


Many years of experience with subdivision projects
Centralized communication
Professional and motivated agents
A rapid sales process


Finowstr. 5&6

The traditional period building is located in the middle of Friedrichshain, between the busy Frankfurter Allee and Weserstraße. The neighborhood around Finowstraße is characterized above all by its lively yet familiar atmosphere.

The project was sold at the beginning of 2015, after we supported the current owner throughout the entire acquisition process (brokerage, technical and legal due diligence).

Location : Berlin – Friedrichshain
Year of construction : approx. 1900
Object type : Apartment building
Units : 30 apartments
Surface : 45 – 160 m2


Corinthstr. 48


This beautiful traditional period project is quietly located near the Mediaspree, between Ostkreuz and Treptower Park, where numerous companies like Universal, MTV and Coca Cola are located.

After we had already supervised the purchase, we supported the owner in obtaining all sales-related documents, followed the construction and renovation work and took over the entire sale of the apartments.

Location : Berlin – Friedrichshain
Year of construction : approx. 1900
Object type : Apartment building
Units : 30 apartments
Surface : 35 – 140 m2


Schivelbeinerstr. 6

The subdivision project is located in the middle of Prenzlauer Berg in a modern and lively neighborhood with small cafés and restaurants as well as the famous Schönhauser Allee Arcarden.

In coordination with an architect, the common property was renovated and the courtyard was redesigned. On behalf of the owner we also supervised the renewal of the roof framework and the rooftop extension (3 apartments).

Location : Berlin – Prenzlauer Berg
Year of construction : approx. 1900
Object type : Apartment building
Units : 36 apartments and 2 commercial units
Surface : 30 – 180 m2


Wichertstr. 47

The project, a typical Berlin building from 1900, is centrally located in chic and child friendly Prenzlauer Berg, near Prenzlauer Allee.

In coordination with an architect, the common property was renovated and the courtyard redesigned. Furthermore, we supervised the renewal of the roof framework as well as the rooftop extension (3 apartments).

In order to guarantee a fast sales process for the project, we used special marketing tools: “open door day”, high-quality project brochure and individual website/landing page.

Location : Berlin – Prenzlauer Berg
Year of construction : approx. 1900
Object type : Apartment building
Units : 32 apartments and 5 commercial units
Surface : 34 – 145 m2


Eisenacher Str. 63

This traditional period property in Berlin was built in 1890. The building has a full basement and extends over three staircases (front, back and side wing). The complete rooftop was extended in the 1980s. Further renovation measures will be carried out in the coming months.

Location : Berlin – Charlottenburg
Year of construction : 1890
Object type : Apartment building
Units : 36 apartments and 2 commercial units
Surface : 44 – 103 m2

Pestalozzistr. 36

Located in the center of the best area of Charlottenburg! Cafés, bars and restaurants as well as stores for daily needs are in the immediate vicinity and only a few meters away from the “Wilmersdorfer Arcaden”.

This traditional period property in Berlin was built in 1890. The building has a full basement and extends over three staircases (front, back and side wing). The complete rooftop was extended in the 1980s. Further renovation measures will be carried out in the coming months.

Location : Berlin – Charlottenburg
Year of construction : 1890
Object type : Apartment building
Units : 36 apartments and 2 commercial units
Surface : 44 – 103 m2

Leopoldstr. 22

Der klassische Berliner Altbau wurde 1890 erbaut und erstreckt sich über drei Treppenhäuser und drei Etagen sowie einem ausgebauten Dachgeschoss.

2002 wurde es umfangreich instand gesetzt bzw. modernisiert. 2019/2020 erfolgte dann in Absprache mit einem Architekten der Ausbau des gesamten Dachgeschosses (5 Wohnungen). Des Weiteren wurden der Hof neu gestaltet, die Hoffassade gestrichen und die Treppenhäuser instand gesetzt.

Das Eckhaus liegt im Berliner Bezirk Lichtenberg, im Ortsteil Rummelsburg. Eine ruhige Wohngegend mit einer guten Infrastruktur: Mit der S-Bahn ab “Nöldnerplatz”, der innerhalb von 5 Minuten fußläufig erreichbar ist, kommen Sie in wenigen Minuten zum Zentrum der Hauptstadt. Buslinien, Einkaufsmöglichkeiten oder Schulen sind ebenfalls in der direkten Umgebung.

Lage : Berlin – Lichtenberg
Baujahr : 1890
Objekttyp : Mehrfamilienhaus
Einheiten : 38 Eigentumswohnungen und 1 Gewerbeeinheit
Fläche : 40 – 150 m2



with passion for service

André Ahrends

Office Berlin Wilmersdorf

Real Estate Agent

German, English +49 30 61 67 51 15 andre.ahrends@aden-immo.com

Michael Bautz

Office Berlin Friedrichshain

Real Estate Agent

German, English +49 30 61 67 51 15 michael.bautz@aden-immo.com
Lars Drewes

Lars Drewes

Büro Berlin Wilmersdorf

Head of Sales

German, English +49 30 23 633 533 lars.drewes@aden-immo.com
Porträt Ole Eggerss

Ole Eggerss

Office Berlin Friedrichshain

Independent Real Estate Agent

German, English +49 30 61 67 51 15 ole.eggerss@aden-immo.com
Foto Mitarbeiterin Isabelle Goncalves

Isabelle Goncalves

Office Berlin Charlottenburg

Real Estate Agent

French, German, English +49 30 61 67 51 15 isabelle.goncalves@aden-immo.com
Portraitfoto Jakob Gremerath

Jakob Gremerath

office Berlin Friedrichshain

Real Estate Agent

German, English +49 30 61 67 51 15 jakob.gremerath@aden-immo.com
Foto Andres Islas

Andres Islas

Office Berlin Wilmersdorf

Rental Manager

German, English, Spanish +49 30 887 024 07 andres.islas@aden-immo.com

Julian Kirsch

Office Berlin Charlottenburg

Real Estate Agent Acquisition

German, English +49 30 61 67 51 15 julian.kirsch@aden-immo.com

Anita Klimczyk

Office Berlin Wilmersdorf

Office Manager

German, English, Polish +49 30 23 633 533 anita.klimczyk@aden-immo.com

Olivier Montero

Office Berlin Friedrichshain

Real Estate Agent Acquisition

French, German, English +49 30 61 67 51 15 olivier.montero@aden-immo.com

David Nguyen

Office Paris

Managing Director

French, English +33 1 56 33 70 70 david.nguyen@aden-immo.com
Portraitfoto Rene Rettig

Rene Rettig

Office Berlin Wilmersdorf

Project Manager

German, English +49 30 61 67 51 15 rene.rettig@aden-immo.com
photo Arnaud Schott (Managing Director)

Arnaud Schott

Office Berlin Wilmersdorf

Managing Director

French, German, English +49 30 23 633 533 arnaud.schott@aden-immo.com

Cihan Selmo

Office Berlin Charlottenburg

Real Estate Agent

German, English, Turkish +49 30 61 67 51 15 cihan.selmo@aden-immo.com

Ulrike Siebert

Office Berlin Wilmersdorf

Marketing Manager

German, English +49 30 88 70 24 08 ulrike.siebert@aden-immo.com
Foto Victoria Stanojevic

Victoria Stanojevic

Office Berlin Wilmersdorf

Sales Assistant

German, English, Polish + 49 30 61 67 51 15 victoria.stanojevic@aden-immo.com
Foto Mitarbeiterin Alice Thion

Alice Thion

Office Berlin Wilmersdorf

Project Manager

French, German, English +49 30 88 70 24 08 alice.thion@aden-immo.com

David Wunnicke

Office Berlin Wilmersdorf

Independant Real Estate Agent

German, English + 49 30 61 67 51 15 david.wunnicke@aden-immo.com
Jeannette Zentel-Schertlin

Jeannette Zentel-Schertlin

Office Berlin Charlottenburg

Real Estate Agent

German, English, Spanish +49 30 61 67 51 15 jeannette.zentel-schertlin@aden-immo.com