
Age-friendly living arrangements – customer feedback

Every day, we support owners in the sale and purchase of property. Read all about why our customers appreciate working with us. We want to share their thoughts with you.

Werner and Dagmar P. (not their real names) came to us seeking comprehensive, expert advice. Their conclusion:

An estate agent that understands our needs!

Dagmar P.

‘My husband and I have been living in our house for over 40 years. We’re no spring chickens, and haven’t been for some time. We are having to deal with ever more health issues. For me, it started in small ways. My back began to play up more and more. But I refused to let it limit me. I still enjoyed spending my time gardening. Everything was okay, apart from having to take ever longer breaks. But this all changed one day when I fell down the steps. Since then, I have been confined to a wheelchair as a paraplegic.’

Werner P.

‘Once my wife became wheelchair-bound, I had to help her out a lot more and therefore climb the stairs more frequently. This did nothing to improve the arthritis in my joints. We couldn’t carry on like this.’

Dagmar P.

‘Werner and I had a consultation at the estate agent’s office. I am thrilled with how patiently they listened as we explained our situation to them. I immediately felt like they really understood us. The collaboration on the sale of our house was very professional. They even dealt with the local authorities on our behalf. The highly professional property brochure for our house quickly attracted attention. Many potential buyers showed an interest. We didn’t have to attend the viewings. Everything went smoothly and stress-free.’

Werner P.

‘With the sale of our house, we had enough money to move home without any hassle. Thanks to the great help we received, we quickly found a barrier-free private apartment that meets our needs. This gave my wife back some of her independence.’

Are you looking for a barrier-free home or wish to make your current residence age-friendly? Then get in touch with us! We are happy to advise you.


You can find additional information on age-friendly living arrangements here:





Legal note: This article does not constitute tax or legal advice in individual cases. Please have the facts of your specific individual case clarified by a lawyer and/or tax advisor.