
Current interest rates when buying a house: real estate financing

Are you planning to buy a property and wondering what impact current interest rates will have on this decision? The level of interest rates has a direct impact on the cost of your financing and can be a major factor in determining whether you can afford to buy a property. In this article, we will look at current interest rates when buying a house and explain what aspects are important around the topic of current interest rates when buying a house.

Insight into the current interest rates when buying a house

In 2022, construction interest rates in Germany have undergone an extreme development. The years of absolute low interest rates seem to be over in Germany for the time being. At the beginning of 2022, a 10-year fixed borrowing rate for loans in the 80% lending range was still available for about 1.00%. In the course of the year, interest rates first climbed to 2.00%, then to 3.00% and at the peak loans with a fixed interest rate of 10 years even cost over 4.00%. This enormous increase makes the situation more difficult for borrowers, as property prices remain at a very high level. In the course of the year, however, there were sometimes strong fluctuations and so it happened again and again that interest rates fluctuated by about 0.50% within the year. It is therefore extremely important that potential home buyers keep checking the current interest rates for buying a house.

At the beginning of 2023, interest rates in the 60% loan-to-value range for a 10-year fixed-interest period are around 3.60 – 3.80%. The 80% loan-to-value range is again around 4.00%. However, the extreme increases from 2022 have been stopped for now and it seems that the current interest rates for buying a house are stagnating. However, it is perfectly normal for there to be some volatility in interest rate trends, which is why there are always fluctuations. At an interest rate of approx. 4.00%, borrowers already have to reckon with an annuity (= annual burden of interest and redemption payments) of approx. 6.00% if they want to repay a loan taken out with a term of approx. 30 years. The level of the current interest rates for buying a house is approximately the same as the interest rate level in 2010, although property prices were at a much lower level at that time.

Development of building interest rates and their significance

The development of construction interest rates in Germany has had a strong influence on real estate financing in recent years and can be of great importance for both borrowers and investors.

Construction interest rates in Germany have reached a historic low in recent years and were very low for a long time. As a result, many borrowers have been able to take out cheap loans and realise their dream of owning their own property. A low interest burden means that the monthly repayment installments are more affordable and borrowers have the opportunity to repay the loan more quickly.

However, construction interest rates in Germany are currently on an upward trend and experts expect interest rates to continue to rise. This can be disadvantageous for borrowers who are in the process of purchasing a property or who want to refinance their existing loans. High interest rates increase monthly repayments and can lead to borrowers struggling to pay the installments.

Real estate financing tips

Property finance is a complex subject and there are many things borrowers should look out for before taking out a loan. One important factor is creditworthiness. Banks check creditworthiness by assessing the borrower’s creditworthiness based on factors such as income, debts and job stability. Borrowers with a good credit rating usually have a better chance of getting a favourable loan.

Another important criterion in real estate financing is the repayment period. The longer the repayment period, the lower the monthly repayments, but the higher the total volume of interest that has to be repaid to the bank. Borrowers should therefore think carefully about how long they want to repay the loan to ensure that they can easily bear the monthly repayments.

Another important factor in real estate financing is the interest rate. The interest rate affects the amount of the monthly repayments and also the total cost of the loan. Borrowers should therefore take the time to compare the different offers of the banks to find the best interest rate. Some banks also offer variable interest rates, which can change over time. Borrowers should be aware that such offers can be more risky as they depend on changes in market interest rates.

Finally, borrowers should ensure that they have all the necessary documents and records ready before applying for a loan. These include, for example, salary slips, tax assessment notices and employment contracts. Details of the planned property, such as the purchase contract, floor plans, building permits and appraisals are also important documents. Thorough preparation can help the loan application to be processed more quickly and successfully.