Frau mit VR Brille | 360 Grad Rundgang Immobilien | Aden Immobilien Berlin


Start a 360-degree tour now

With a virtual 360-degree tour, prospective buyers or tenants can conveniently view the property at any time on their PC, laptop or smartphone and take a good look around it ahead of any physical viewing.

Using cutting-edge technology, we create a virtual tour of your home in order to provide our customers with a complete picture that they can access anytime, anywhere. The tour is based on the building’s floor plan, allowing viewers to independently navigate their way through the property and giving them a clear impression of the size and layout of the rooms.

Try out one of our virtual 360-degree tours today. Your property could be virtually presented in the same way.


Comprehensive Marketing Through Innovative Channels


Our professional photographers use the latest in digital imaging to make your property shine! High-quality images help reduce time on the market.


Virtual homestaging gives prospects a better sense of room size and options for furnishing, helping you find a suitable buyer more quickly.


We compile all important facts and figures about your property in an interactive brochure, accessible to home-seekers everywhere. Prospects who attend an in-person showing also receive a high-quality printed brochure.


We list your property in a high-quality presentation in all common online portals as well as on our website. We answer all incoming questions, qualify candidates, and schedule showings.


Our innovative 360° tours allow prospective renters to gain a first impression of your property, sparing you the trouble of unnecessary showings and open houses.


Energy performance certificates are required by law when selling real estate in Germany, and they belong in every brochure. We have the certificate issued for your property so that you stay fully in compliance.


Our professional photographers use the latest in digital imaging to make your property shine! High-quality images help reduce time on the market.


Virtual homestaging gives prospects a better sense of room size and options for furnishing, helping you find a suitable buyer more quickly.


We compile all important facts and figures about your property in an interactive brochure, accessible to home-seekers everywhere. Prospects who attend an in-person showing also receive a high-quality printed brochure.


We list your property in a high-quality presentation in all common online portals as well as on our website. We answer all incoming questions, qualify candidates, and schedule showings.


Our innovative 360° tours allow prospective renters to gain a first impression of your property, sparing you the trouble of unnecessary showings and open houses.


Energy performance certificates are required by law when selling real estate in Germany, and they belong in every brochure. We have the certificate issued for your property so that you stay fully in compliance.


with passion for service

André Ahrends

Office Berlin Wilmersdorf

Real Estate Agent

German, English +49 30 61 67 51 15 andre.ahrends@aden-immo.com

Michael Bautz

Office Berlin Friedrichshain

Real Estate Agent

German, English +49 30 61 67 51 15 michael.bautz@aden-immo.com
Lars Drewes

Lars Drewes

Büro Berlin Wilmersdorf

Head of Sales

German, English +49 30 23 633 533 lars.drewes@aden-immo.com
Porträt Ole Eggerss

Ole Eggerss

Office Berlin Friedrichshain

Independent Real Estate Agent

German, English +49 30 61 67 51 15 ole.eggerss@aden-immo.com
Foto Mitarbeiterin Isabelle Goncalves

Isabelle Goncalves

Office Berlin Charlottenburg

Real Estate Agent

French, German, English +49 30 61 67 51 15 isabelle.goncalves@aden-immo.com
Portraitfoto Jakob Gremerath

Jakob Gremerath

office Berlin Friedrichshain

Real Estate Agent

German, English +49 30 61 67 51 15 jakob.gremerath@aden-immo.com
Foto Dirk Höppner

Dirk Höppner

Büro Berlin Wilmersdorf

Independant Real Estate Agent

German, English +49 30 61 67 51 15 dirk.hoeppner@aden-immo.com
Foto Andres Islas

Andres Islas

Office Berlin Wilmersdorf

Rental Manager

German, English, Spanish +49 30 887 024 07 andres.islas@aden-immo.com

Julian Kirsch

Office Berlin Charlottenburg

Real Estate Agent Acquisition

German, English +49 30 61 67 51 15 julian.kirsch@aden-immo.com

Anita Klimczyk

Office Berlin Wilmersdorf

Office Manager

German, English, Polish +49 30 23 633 533 anita.klimczyk@aden-immo.com

Olivier Montero

Office Berlin Friedrichshain

Real Estate Agent Acquisition

French, German, English +49 30 61 67 51 15 olivier.montero@aden-immo.com
Foto Emilie Mullier

Emilie Mullier

Office Berlin Charlottenburg

Independant Real Estate Agent

French, German, English +49 30 61 67 51 15 emilie.mullier@aden-immo.com

David Nguyen

Office Paris

Managing Director

French, English +33 1 56 33 70 70 david.nguyen@aden-immo.com
Portraitfoto Rene Rettig

Rene Rettig

Office Berlin Wilmersdorf

Project Manager

German, English +49 30 61 67 51 15 rene.rettig@aden-immo.com
photo Arnaud Schott (Managing Director)

Arnaud Schott

Office Berlin Wilmersdorf

Managing Director

French, German, English +49 30 23 633 533 arnaud.schott@aden-immo.com

Cihan Selmo

Office Berlin Charlottenburg

Real Estate Agent

German, English, Turkish +49 30 61 67 51 15 cihan.selmo@aden-immo.com

Ulrike Siebert

Office Berlin Wilmersdorf

Marketing Manager

German, English +49 30 88 70 24 08 ulrike.siebert@aden-immo.com
Foto Victoria Stanojevic

Victoria Stanojevic

Office Berlin Wilmersdorf

Sales Assistant

German, English, Polish + 49 30 61 67 51 15 victoria.stanojevic@aden-immo.com
Foto Mitarbeiterin Alice Thion

Alice Thion

Office Berlin Wilmersdorf

Project Manager

French, German, English +49 30 88 70 24 08 alice.thion@aden-immo.com

David Wunnicke

Office Berlin Wilmersdorf

Independant Real Estate Agent

German, English + 49 30 61 67 51 15 david.wunnicke@aden-immo.com
Jeannette Zentel-Schertlin

Jeannette Zentel-Schertlin

Office Berlin Charlottenburg

Real Estate Agent

German, English, Spanish +49 30 61 67 51 15 jeannette.zentel-schertlin@aden-immo.com